Day 32 – Auxano Sprint 5 – Data Persistence!

Project-Auxano-LogoThis week’s sprint goal: Data Persistence!

Scrum: Yesterday I doubled my hands-on knowledge of SQL and database tables, and helped plan out this data persistence sprint. Today I’m working with Jon on the time activity entry feature and connecting that with the proper tables in our database.

We continued adding the last of the tables and relationships we need in our database this morning, and then began adapting our code to the database in earnest this afternoon. Jef helped us by working through one example of a database test with us and then we we paired up for the rest of the day to try to tackle the database tasks we planned for yesterday.

We had a visit from Ty’s Agile Scrum Immersion class this afternoon, and got to answer some questions about our six-week (so far) experience with scrum and what challenges we’ve faced. It was nice to have some people come in to our room and ask us what we think about the process.

I don’t have a benchmark to measure our performance by, but it’s been said that our team adopted scrum fairly quickly and melded together quickly as well. I suspect that success is due in great part to our age, Jef’s eye for hiring teachable talent, our honest lack of experience (and bad habits), and the relative homogeneity of our group members. We have a lot more in common with each other than a typical team of professionals would. I say that because I have experience working with teams of international students and international volunteers from my MBA program and the non-profit I do year-round work for, and based on that experience I don’t think that our team feels like a diverse team (not a slight, just an observation). It’s not necessarily a bad thing, but it’s not necessarily an advantage either. Especially not if the idea here is to train us to fit into diverse organizations with diverse groups of people.

Our success has not been hindered by any cultural or language barriers, and we all had relatively similar levels of technical expertise coming into the boot camp program so learning together has been relatively smooth. We will face many different challenges when we are split up and pinned onto existing teams with members of different ages, skill levels, experience, and cultural backgrounds. This is something we have not had to overcome in the boot camp, but… wow this is getting way off topic. I’m interested in discussing the subject if you want to seek me out and talk more about it, but let’s shelf the discussion for another blog or a private chat. I need to go to bed!

Anyway, I hope to report that Jon and I have finished 2-3 tasks tomorrow after clearing the block we hit this afternoon. Wish us luck!



Tim Rayburn Goes To Boot Camp

CSS Tricks:



content: ‘HAHA’;


@goo::after {

content: ‘DERP!’;





C# Class:

public class Driver<T>

where T : IDriveable


private T driveable;

public Driver(T driveable)


this.driveable = driveable;



private void Start()


// you now have access to .Mode and .NumberOfWheels







ublic interface IDriveable


int NumberOfWheels {get; set; }

string Mode {get;set;}


public class MyClass : BaseFoo, Consumes<Bar>, Consumes<Baz>


public MyClass()


// you can assume that BaseFoo is a parent class, but it could be an interface like Consumes<Bar> and Consumes<Baz>

// you can only define method signatures. Only the contract, not the implementation

// interesting things you can do using extension methods

// interfaces can inherit from other interfaces… interfaception





Foo._(e=>e.Bar)._(e=>e.Baz)._(e=>e.Junk) ?? “Default”


public S _(T,S)(This T obj, Func<T,S>) func)


if (obj == null) return null;

else return func(obj);



Didn’t understand all that code? That’s okay, this video will make you feel better!

Daily Bonus: