Day 31 – Auxano Sprint 5 – Database

Since Friday’s blog was short (except for the hour-long video), let’s get caught up.

Scrum: Friday we had our sprint 4 review and retrospective, today we’re starting sprint 5 and hopefully wrapping up some unfinished stories from previous sprints. No major blocks.

We now have only two weeks left in boot camp! It’s pretty hard to believe that it’s been six weeks already… We’re all starting to think about our board exam/review/interview that we’ll be doing individually the week of June 30th to July 4th. With help from Cherie and Jef, we’ve come up with a list of about 75 questions pertaining to consulting skills, scrum, c#,, object oriented design, and some other technical and general interview questions. We’ll be expected to write some (unknown amount of) code and discuss the experience and knowledge we’ve gained in the boot camp. I expect all of us to survive, but that won’t stop me from stressing out a bit and attempting to over prepare.

This past father’s day weekend, I watched my nieces for a few hours (everyone survived), got a little bit of sleep, worked on my Improving Consultant Pro-File, went to Lowes to buy myself an Uncle’s Day present (some clamps were on sale, and I needed them!), and managed to get my laundry done by midnight sunday night.


Finally got the information about the transformer’s movie night at Improving

(thank you Ty)


This week we’re focusing on SQL stuff and setting up data persistence in Project Auxano.

Let’s see… about last week. We learned a lot about what not to do in our sprint planning (finally). I learned that it’s difficult to balance the role of a scrum master and the role of a regular developer. Especially during a jam packed sprint where some outside-of-work stuff piles up on you as well. By friday afternoon I was completely spent, and I could hear Cherie’s voice in my head scolding me about not working at an unsustainable pace. This week I’m attempting to work at a sustainable pace, knock out the user stories we haven’t finished, and begin preparing for our interviews. This week will be very different from last week, but I’ll give you more on that tomorrow. That’s all for today.


Notes From Today:

SQL Examples:

UPDATE [dbo].[Improver]


LastLogin = getdate(),

FirstName = ‘Ryan’

WHERE Email = ‘’


DELETE [dbo].[Improver]

WHERE Email = ‘’



FROM [dbo].[Enterprise] e

JOIN [dbo].[Improver] i on e.Id = i.EnterpriseId



FROM [dbo].[Enterprise] e

LEFT JOIN [dbo].[Improver] i on e.Id = i.EnterpriseId



FROM [dbo].[Enterprise] e

RIGHT JOIN [dbo].[Improver] i on e.Id = i.EnterpriseId


First Login

Id = ObjectId

Insert Improver (first, last, email, Dallas, lastlogin)

Insert NOOB badge associated to Improver

Insert TimeKiller badge associated to Improver

Insert 8bit badge associated to Improver


USE [Auxano]


— Insert New Improver



DECLARE @ImproverID uniqueidentifier = NEWID()

DECLARE @FirstName nvarchar(100) = ‘Doge’

DECLARE @LastName nvarchar(100) = ‘Dogeson’

DECLARE @Email nvarchar(100) = ‘’



From [dbo].[Improver]

WHERE Email = ‘’


INSERT INTO [dbo].[Improver]([Id],[HasLoggedIn],[Email],[FirstName],[LastName],[HireDate],[Points],[LastLogin],[EnterpriseId])

SELECT @ImproverID,0,@Email,@FirstName,@LastName,’2014-05-05′, 0, getdate(),e.Id

FROM [dbo].[Enterprise] e

WHERE e.Name = ‘Dallas’




FROM [dbo].[Improver] i

WHERE e.Id = i.EnterpriseId

AND i.Email = @Email



— Add Badges


INSERT INTO [dbo].[Badge]









,’You earned the N00B Badge. Welcome to Auxano!’







,’Denim denim denim!’







,’You submitted your first time activity’






— Check Data


SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Improver]


SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Badge]

“insight.database” by Jon Wagner




And finally, a bonus for scrolling down past all that non-formatted SQL.