Day 28 – Auxano Sprint 4 & Scrum Mastering

Project-Auxano-LogoThe second half of this week is gonna be intense. Trying to do extra scrum master things on top of regular developer tasks has now been added to a few unexpected extra non-sprint-work things I have to do by the end of the week, and I’m just in “do” mode right now trying to knock things out before I get overwhelmed.

I’m questioning the value of some of the tasks I’m doing for the team, like babysitting the scrum board and keeping track of task hours (we need a better way of weighing/scoring tasks). I think the most valuable thing I’ve done this week is get out of my chair and help the other guys engage in conversations to break blocks and work as a group to get past certain decisions that come up. I’ve also tried to help those who are not sure what to do next at a given point, or are waiting for another team member’s work to be done before starting a new task on the same feature, whatever that may be. I just wonder whether or not certain efforts are not really bringing value to our team, and whether I should reassign that effort elsewhere. At any rate, it’s been an interesting experience so far, and my hope is that I’ve helped the group out at least a bit this week.

Scrum: Yesterday we did a lot of work setting up our database tables. I did my best to master some scrum, and created a basic public profile card in our app. Today I’m going to update the burndown and work on the Daily time entry view.

I’ve mostly felt pretty good about being in this scrum master / leadership role this week, but like I said – I’m just trying to get things knocked out so I don’t burn out before the review on friday afternoon. It’s been mentioned that I wear a black hat by default, and I think that’s helping me this week. Honestly, you’d have to ask the rest of the Auxano team how I’m doing – don’t just take my word for it. This blog was a chore today – this week has just been packed for me, sorry my thoughts are so short and choppy. Happy hump day!


Auxano-Sprint-4-Burndown-Chart-Day-2 Auxano-Sprint-4-Scrum-Board-Day-3

Notes & Reminders:
NUnit in Visual Studio

Ty Crockett’s Blog

Allison Pollard’s Blog

Cherie Silas’s Blog

Getting Things Done

The Power of Who