Day 23 – Auxano Sprint 3

Project-Auxano-LogoGot a bit more sleep last night fortunately, but I’m still a bit worn down due to the blocks set in my way by the Time Activity view. Gonna get that knocked out today (or as close to knocked out as I can this sprint).

Scrum: Yesterday I worked on the Time Activity Entry view and adding a RerouteToAction to a one-time TimeKillerBadge view, but I’m having some trouble with the rest of the Time Activity Entry view, so I’ll be trying to overcome that today and probably end up rebuilding it entirely to better suit our needs.

I decided to take on a few new tasks at once and completely redo the Time Activity view and time entry form. My goal here is to make it possible to actually enter a single time activity so that my FirstTimeKiller badge properly displays after the first time entry is entered (which is how and why I arrived at this new task in the first place). I would love to show you screenshots of my work today (massive improvements, if I may say so), but some changes made late in the day (*cough* not exactly by me) broke the view’s ability to reference some other files so I’ll be working on correcting that in the morning… ‘Tis okay though, it was a necessary step in the process, it just came at a bad time.

Side-note on life: So I was working pretty much full-time on some entrepreneurial projects before starting at Improving a few weeks ago, and it was difficult to give up that work. I have very slowly, cautiously crept back into working on those projects in what precious moments of free time I have, and It feels good to touch those projects again and do a little bit of interaction with those who followed and are involved with the projects still. I just want to make sure I don’t get distracted from my day job. I’m enjoying our work on project Auxano more every day, so I don’t think that will be a problem.

This morning Jef informed me that I seem to be perpetually “Stuck with a Black Hat on…”  – I think that’s fair to say. I just wear a black hat by default (especially when I’m around a bunch of optimists like the guys in our group), but I don’t think I’m entirely incapable of donning another hat.

I hit a wall at the end of the day today and couldn’t seem to get past an exception error I was getting, so I’ll be starting there in the morning and working past it. I’m ready for bed and traffic is pretty much at a stand-still outside, so I’m just sitting here in the office listening to music and writing my blog. yyyep. My foot is asleep. *shakes*


Today’s Notes & Bookmarks:

Tomorrow we dash to the end of the sprint! Lots of wrapping up to do.
