Day 38 – Auxano Sprint 6

I can’t wait to look back at these blogs in a few months or years and wonder what in the world I was thinking writing all this and putting it on the internet for all to see. #oversharing.

Scrum: Yesterday I worked with Dave on the Edit and Delete functionality for engagements in our app and database, and stayed up until 10pm working at home on a nasty merge conflict. Today I’m going to wrap up Edit and Delete. Major block is knowing what to test for and how to test for it in the controller tests and persistence tests.

Fortunately Dave was receptive to my changes that overwrote his last night. We’re having trouble figuring out what I did wrong and how to merge our changes…

There is not a whole lot else to say about today. We’ve actually almost completed all of the stories we committed to this week, and we need to either take another story into the sprint or find some more work to do debugging and polishing the features we already have. We’ll be talking about that in the morning.


Engagement names are not unique*

Object Modeling – add to master list of questions on Google Docs

Idea: Future bootcampers need to do more stuff like the JavaScript/jQuery session we did with Ken Byrd today. The idea with lunch and learns never happened, and should definitely be revisited.

Key Byrd – JavaScript & jQuery:

Code Courses for JavaScript & jQuery (Free & Paid): These courses come highly recommended.
