BC Day 9 – Auxano Mini-Sprint


Daily Scrum: Yesterday we did three 1-hour mini-days, and learned quite a bit more about setting up a development environment and Git – not so much about actually coding together, but it was a productive learning experience nonetheless. Ramp up time is always expected. Today we’re continuing with modeling project Auxano, pair programming, and setting up tests and classes. Tomorrow we’re working on time entry. No blocks.

Blog: So. Today was not necessarily more productive than yesterday from a learning perspective, but it was definitely more productive from a coding perspective. Our fearless leader granted us some wisdom in the form of some “training wheels” for writing up features, stories, and tasks. Personally, I think we were in desperate need of this guidance, and I feel like we did a much better job planning and communicating today. We all seemed to have Git set up and working, which actually allowed us to collaborate instead of smash our faces against a brick wall like we were yesterday.

We were introduced to three different models to assist us in writing out what tasks we need to code. We also drew up our object map, and a diagram of the login, time-entry, and posting to QuickBooks process.

Task Mapping Methods:


(Famous native Chief)



When <EVENT>



Gherkin Syntax

  • Objects created or destroyed
  • Attributes set
  • Relationships formed or broken
  • Messages/Exception to external systems or user
  • Objects returned to user

Let’s see… I think those are the major highlights; That’s enough for one day. The User Group I was planning on attending seems to be cancelled, so I’m just waiting until traffic clears up and writing my blog and essay. The week is almost over!

as always: much scrum. very agile.




Boss’s Blog